This song was in my Italy playlist, the songs of which will now always remind me of the rolling Italian country side. At first, I found this song depressing, but it’s not. It is my take on the song that it is written as if God were sing the song to the listener. In the case, I resonate with the lyrics right now, so here they are:

And it’s the saddest song you’ll sing
When I’m alone with you
Your tears come down
You search your life for something new
And what you found is true
But now your gone

Oh your alone
And I’m waiting here for you
Your alone
And I’m waiting here for you

All of the streets were alone with you
Well just to be with you
But now your gone
Fell in love with foolish things
Fell away from me
Now your gone


And I’m waiting
And your jaw burn here
When you fail and your lost
And I’m waiting for you
Cause I know and you know

Not alone
And I’m waiting here for you
Not alone
And I’m waiting here for you
Oh no, not a lone
And I’m waiting here for you
Not alone, oh no when your not alone

~The Saddest Song
Until June