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Author: Anna
Happy New Year!
Where did 2019 go? As I sit here looking at my calendar, one month gone already, I am surprised by how the days are flying by. Last November, I joined an EMI project trip to Malacca, Malaysia. While we were there, we worked with a ministry that serves young adults with mental disabilities. Twenty-Eight years ago,…
Family Time
August this year saw the departure of our summer interns and our annual staff retreat. This is a time for us to spend together as a family and not just as work colleagues. We spent time in the mountainous region of Mondulkiri where we at lots of good food and even saw some elephants. It got…
Rest & Creativity
This June I was able to take some time away from the busyness of Phnom Penh. I took two weeks to visit my parents in the US, and also took some time to retreat to the neighboring province of Kampot. It was a refreshing time to get out of the concrete jungle and enjoy the…
We just recently celebrated the one year anniversary of opening our office in Cambodia!! It has been an eventful year. We are now up to 12 staff members, 5 of which are Khmer. In the last year we have had 4 Khmer Interns and 4 Expat Interns. We have started about 28 projects with ministries…
Powerless Romans 8:3
This year has been flying by. First we received new interns in January. Sheena and Hayden come from the US, Menea is our new Khmer intern, and Reatrey is our returning Senior Khmer intern. With each new intern group, I am encouraged and excited to see these young professionals work together and learn from each…
Home Assignment
This year I spent December and January in the US on home assignment. I was able to spend time with family for Christmas, visit friends in Colorado and Kansas, and catch up with churches. During my time at home, as I answered many questions and shared about my first two years in Cambodia, I found myself…
Look at this awesome group of people I get to work with! Three times a week our office orders food in and we have a family style lunch all together. One day, instead of ordering in, we decided to walk there to eat. (They were offering free coffee for dine-in guest only.) On our way home,…
Even though Cambodia doesn’t have the same marked seasons as back home, I can tell it’s fall because of the arrival of our T3 interns. EMI runs on a 3 term system, with terms 1 and 3 coinciding with standard North American school semesters. Our internship program has always been a strong pillar of what we…
Do what you love
Just as soon as I get settled in, life moves forward. The good news is that I have completed my full-time language learning objective and I am now focusing more on my roles in the office. The bad news is that more transition is ahead of me. Moving from language school and homework, back to…
Field Trip
Just a few weeks ago the office took a field trip out to the construction site of a new church. The church was designed by our staff architect, Nivo. Like all of our Khmer staff, Nivo is an answer to prayer. Our team has needed an architect since the beginning, and now just as projects…