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Author: yeleannaes
February 18th, A Prayer
Good morning daddy. Today my thoughts are floating around the happiness and excitement I feel here. But most of all the joy I find in my new freedom. I continually thank you for the work you’ve done in my life. The first time I came here, I was anxious and full of stress. But today…
8 Years Later or A Fork in the Road
I’ve chosen the path less traveled. I’ve sent out seeming several hundred resumes, lots of them for jobs I didn’t really want. I’ve been looking for just the right “job.” Preferably at a company that believes in the one overarching theme of the Bible, missions. A company that is really a community of like-minded believers…
Identity = Snake Boots
This weeks lecture topic has been relationships. The basis for any relationship is LOVE. Commandment number one: Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, and strength. Number two… Love your neighbour as yourself. How can you love your neighbour as yourself if you don’t know and love yourself? Which brings us to…
Rolling Along
Things are going well here in Oxford. We have just finished week three of the lecture phase, and I am settled into the "normal" routine of the school. Lecture in the morning, activities in the afternoon, meeting with my small group, and one-on-ones to check in with the girls. I love being here. I love…
I’m back in Oxford for another season. But first, let me tell you a little bit about outreach. After Thailand, the team continued to travel throughout S.E. asia including Cambodia and India. It was exciting to see how God met us in each country with people we were supposed to meet. We were able to…
John 8:32
It’s not thoughts, it’s experience. No amount of journaling or thinking or praying is going to teach me anything. God brings revelation. God brings it, not me. I’m never going to come up with anything good on my own. Maybe I should stop all journaling about the unknown, and only journal about what the past.…
Pattaya, Thailand
Outreach has begun. The team has been in Thailand for over a week now, and we are settling in nicely. Our days have begun to have a kind of routine. We are working with a prostitute recovery ministry here in Pattaya called the Tamar Center. We are teaching English, doing outreach in the bars, and…
Things are not always what they seem in this place, so you can’t take anything for granted.
Who to put words together into meaningful prose? I do not know. I try to write and only come up with other peoples words. The sun was shining in the western sky as a gentle breeze swept over her skin. She lay on her back in the middle of the trampoline warmed by the blackness…
It never fails
Why is it so hard to change perspective? I get stuck in an idea or the idea gets stuck on me, and my eyes refuse to see the world as it ought to be. Then for a brief second, I step out of my shoes and I realize how oblivious I’ve been to the truth.…
We believe…
Four more weeks to go… It’s hard to believe. The students continue to be amazing: working hard in continued earthquake relief and pressing into to get the most out of each lecture. We just finished a week on the “Lordship of Christ.” This is a big we for the students. On Friday we have a…