Author: yeleannaes

  • Waiting

    Well, we filled out all the paper work, asked our references to be our references and hit the send button. Now we just wait, and wait, and wait. And, get poked in the arm. I am currently now immunized to: Hepatitis A, B, Polio, Measles, Mumps, Rubella, and Typhoid. Very exciting. There’s not much else…

  • Decisions Descisions

    Here we are, gathered together as a family…    No? Anyone ever heard of that song? Yeah, me neither.  So, the big decision. Well, not the big decision. I suppose that one has already been made. The second biggest decision. That of where to go. What base to apply to… first? Prayer please.

  • It worked!!!

    Yay, the internet doesn’t hate me anymore and I no longer feel like I need to punch it in the face. It’s still uncharmingly slow, which is frustrating and worrisome. But, no matter. I am on my way to having a pretty and useable blog for my upcoming adventure. Now, off to prepare myself in more…

  • Foreshadowing

    The fourth month of the year is almost over. We’re about to go through the third round of lay offs this year. I honestly can’t say if I’m going to make it through this one.

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  • All grown up.

    I live in my own apartment, cook my own food and pay my bills. I go to work every day and sit in a cubicle. I answer my phone and make engineering like decisions. I fill my Jeep up with gas. I vote and pay taxes. I have a loan. I buy toilet paper… And…

  • Crazy Normal

    Today I reminded my self, for the umpteenth time, not to move my lips when talking to my self. Later, I tried to get out of my Jeep without undoing the buckle. Now, I’m exposing these secrets in a public blog. I wonder, am I normal? What is normal? Normal is the parts of our…

  • Shimmy Down With the Fire Gang

    This weekend has not been ideal. And yet, I find my self on this Sunday night… smiling. I can be pretty silly sometimes. I worry that I let too much silly show. I wonder, “should I have shared that?” I am me. Who am I? *shrug* Oh well… I’ll figure it out. “Every thing’s dancing”~Sarah

  • Peace

    I have peace. I don’t have everything thing I want, but I have all that I need. I don’t know where I’m going, but I am greatful for where I’ve been. I am surrounded by people who love me. Thank you, Lord, for making my life what it is. Thank you for making me who…