Category: Photo A Day

  • 2/12/17 – Home

    Today is my one month anniversary being here in Cambodia. It’s hard to believe. I’ve accomplished a lot in a short amount of time. But most importantly I feel settled. At the end of a day scooting around town in tuktuks and generally communicating by hand gesture, it’s nice to come back to our little…

  • 2/11/17 – Moto Vendors of Phnom Penh

    Here’s another one, because I like how unique each one is. I feel like Phnom Penh has a very entrepreneurial spirit. However, for better or worse, this mean everyone is selling something.

  • 2/10/17 – Ice ice

    For a small fee, you too can have ice delivered to your door.

  • 2/9/17 – Sweat

    If you guess aerobics class, you were right! At one point they were even jamming out to a dance version of “Hotel California.” I was really tempted to join in, but alas, I forgot my sneakers at home.

  • 2/8/17 – Stairs

    I wonder where these lead to?

  • 2/7/17 – School

    I’ve been in and out of “school” settings since college, but learning language takes me right back to grade school. And, some days I feel about as smart as a 2nd grader. I just hope I don’t have to feel like I’m in middle school again.

  • 2/6/17 – Cheese

    Found these kiddos by the market. I tried to say “hi” but either my Khmer was atrocious, or they were too shy to respond. Good thing smiling and being cute is universal.

  • 2/5/17 – Street Vendor

    These guys (and gals) are everywhere selling everything from smoothies to squid kabobs to something that tasted like a waffle cone sprinkled with coconut (I have yet to taste the kabobs). Some are the push-cart variety and some are attached to a moto and some have a more permanent location. My favorite is the coffee…

  • 2/4/17 – Got Milk

    I’d like to share a bit of the other side of Phnom Penh. This is the capitol city with most of the modern day conveniences. Yes, I shop in crowded markets and the best produce is found under an umbrella on the side of the road, but we also have grocery stores and packaged meat…

  • 2/3/17 – Khmer Time

    Today in language class we learned time. Khmer have a word for anywhere from the top of the hour to 15 min past, and the same for 15 till. Khmer have a relationship oriented culture; the person in front of you is more important than being on time. I’m not sure what’s happening here in…