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Field Trip
Just a few weeks ago the office took a field trip out to the construction site of a new church. The church was designed by our staff architect, Nivo. Like all of our Khmer staff, Nivo is an answer to prayer. Our team has needed an architect since the beginning, and now just as projects are starting, God has brought us the right person. In addition to Nivo, we thank God for Neth who works in HR and IT, Ratana our accountant, and Reatrey and and Lydeth our current interns. We eagerly await the day when our Khmer staff outnumber the foreign staff.
Last month, I was also able to take some much need R&R with women from the Christian and Missionary Alliance. We visited near by Penang, in Mayalsia for a short retreat. We shared stories, prayed for each other, got lost, ate good food, and enjoyed some beautiful nature.