June Update

Summer is officially here. With it came an new group of interns. Here at EMI, each new group of interns begin their time with us by attending a week-long orientation. This summer I had the privilege of joining the team that teaches “crossing cultures.” As each intern prepares for their project trip, many who are leaving the country for the first time, we help them expect the unexpected. The underlying question, “How will I react to difference?” Will I walk in my human flesh and be judgmental, or will I withhold judgement and walk in the spirit? Each time I participate in this teaching I am reminded how universal this really is, and that I don’t have to cross cultures to live it out. I can practice this in my everyday encounters.



Culture: Stuff we have in common with large groups of other people like us. 

The What
(Above the waterline)
Food, dress, music, language…

The Why
(Below the waterline)
Assumptions, values, motivations, feelings, fears…





Interns are a highlight of my work with EMI. This summer I have the privilege of mentoring a young interior designer, Rebecca. Each week we hang out, pray, and just talk about life and the things she’s learning here through her internship.



