Ok, Lord. Bring it on.

Last Friday, I gave my life to Jesus. I don’t mean salvation. That happened years ago. I mean the continual process of laying down my rights to my self and just living in obedience to the King of Kings. We are a product of the decisions we make. The most important? Who will be the ruler of your life today? I choose God.

Among many others, here are a few truths that hit me last week:

  • Stop looking for what’s wrong, just focus on following Jesus.
  • Jesus is the judge, not me. So stop!
  • The Holy Spirit has got all of me, I need to take hold of all of the Holy Spirit. (Col 2:10)
  • Follow the great commandment(s), then the great commission. (Mat 22:36-40, 28:18-20)
  • Love is a verb.

“The Christian life is like going up the down escalator, you have to keep moving.” ~ Mark Parker