
Even though Cambodia doesn’t have the same marked seasons as back home, I can tell it’s fall because of the arrival of our T3 interns. EMI runs on a 3 term system, with terms 1 and 3 coinciding with standard North American school semesters. Our internship program has always been a strong pillar of what we do here at EMI. So, even though our office has been up and running for almost six months now, it didn’t seem quite real until we received our first term of interns. As the Cambodia intern director, I have the privilege of shaping our internship program at our local office; from orientation, to discipleship, to professional development. This is not a responsibility I take on lightly, and I would appreciate your prayers as we learn and grow in these early stages. This term, we have four interns; one American, two Khmer, and one Korean, and I am already proud and excited about the way that they have hit the ground running. 

During their first week with us, our interns go through orientation. We teach them about culture and language. We have them over for meals to share stories and testimonies. And finally, at the end of the week, we had a city-wide scavenger hunt. Turns out, if you tell the Tuktuk drive you are racing that other Tuktuk, he will do his best to pass them. 

Before our interns came, we had a staff retreat to nearby Kampot City. It was a really cool time of getting to know each other, including staff families, and preparing for the term ahead. We are really blessed in the staff team that God has brought together here at EMI Cambodia.