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Hello my friends. I’m off to Southeast Asia with the Launch team.
The EMI Southeast Asia Launch (SEAL) team has been busy busy busy this last month reaching out to contacts around the world to make connections with missionaries in SEA. We will be meeting with expat missionaries, relief and development ministries, nationals, and churches to get a better understanding of the culture and spiritual climate of the region. Our ultimate goal is to narrow down our city selection from four to one or two cities. We will be gone for almost three weeks, and as you can see, we have a lot of ground to cover, with meetings scheduled almost every day of our trip.
Thank you so much for partnering with me in prayer. I couldn’t do this without you.
Here is my itinerary and some more specific ways you can be praying for me.
April 7-14: Phnom Penh, Cambodia
After a day or so of travel, Vicky, Scott, and I hit the ground running with several full days of meetings and a Lunch & Learn. Pray for strength as we concer jet lag and the heat, so that we can be present and engaging in all of our meetings. Pray also that the right people would attend our L&L.
April 14-17: Battambang, Cambodia
On our way to Battambang, we will be stopping in Kampong Chhnang, the city I visited last year on a project trip with EMI. The ministry there, TransformAsia, is a long time EMI client, we will be visiting their work in Kampong Chhnang and home for rescued girls from human trafficking. We hope to be a blessing and encouragement to them. Pray that we will be refreshed by serving our friends at TransformAsia
More meetings scheduled, though this will also be during the Khmer New Year, and we will take a little down time to recover from Phnom Penh. I also look forward to seeing a good friend and reconnecting with the YWAM base there. Pray for clarity and understanding of the spiritual and physical culture as we experience the national holiday and meet with locals.
April 17-22: Siem Reap, Cambodia
We are joined by Rex and Chad, which is good as we will be able to divide and concer another Lunch & Learn with local pastors, missionaries, and ministries. Again, prayer for the right people to attend our L&L, we are still in the midst of promoting this event.
April 22-24: Bangkok, Thailand
Next, we travel over to Thailand. Though Bangkok is not a high contender for our new office, as a hub for the region and capital of Thailand we decided our research would incomplete until visiting with a few people based in Bangkok. Pray that we would get a good feel of the city in the short 2 days we are in town, and for endurance as we near the closing of our trip.
April 24-30: Chaing Mai, Thailand
Our last stop on our whirl wind tour. Chaing Mai has the second most Christian ministries in one city after Colorado Springs. However, with the pros there are cons, pray that we would get good facts from our contacts and not be swayed by emotion. Prayer for the strength to be as present in these engagements as we were with the first, and that our thinking wouldn’t be swayed by exhaustion or emotions.