Our Updates

  • E – – 1/4 – – 1/2 – – 3/4 – – F

    I find myself being shown the same things over and over. One day I’m given an amazing revelation, and the next I’ve forgotten all about it and I’m left wondering where I went wrong. It’s hard to be close to someone really neat, and know that they don’t see you the way you see them.…

  • Thoughts on a Difficult Day

    Bad day the other day. Many different things culminated to a breaking point. People can and will let you down. I will let people down. The key is how to deal when this happens. Do I fight back? Do become defensive? Or, do I take the criticism apologize and move on? I want attention. This…

  • Work In Progress (please excuse the mess)

    This school year had been marked by self discovery. Along with this has also come a rise in self esteem. Things I am: Child of God Creative Easy Going Mature Beautiful Things I like: Laughing Snowboarding Photography Reading Skiing Things I do: Engineering Run Talk to myself Speed in my bug

  • interrupted dreams

    dream: 1. a succession of images, thoughts, or emotions passing through the mind during sleep. 2. the sleeping state in which this occurs. 3. an object seen in a dream. 4. an involuntary vision occurring to a person when awake. 5. a vision voluntarily indulged in while awake; daydream; reverie. 6. an aspiration; goal; aim:…

  • Stories

    I was looking through pictures of my friends on facebook tonight. Pictured are the good times people have shared for the world to see. Or maybe just to remind those involved. Stories hit me from every direction. I wanted to go to each of my friends and make them tell me the story behind each…

  • Singing In The Car

    There is no better cure for a cruddy day, than to get away in my car. I pretend I’m not one of those painful-to-watch performers on American Idol, and sing all my favorite songs at the top of my lungs. Sometimes there is even a little dance to go along. I feel safe that no…

  • Up Late, Obligation, and Optimism

    I was in the machine tool lab till 6 last night. As a result I slept all day, and now here I am up late again. Moving through my thoughts, processing God’s voice and my situation. The situation I find myself it is no accident. God’s voice is real to me, in a book, in…

  • Machine Shop Reflections

    I am sitting here watching the slow movement of the band saw through the aluminum. My eyes glaze over watching the trickle of coolant through the metal shavings, and my mind begins to wander to the vague emotions running through my veins…Indecision: It has been a long day, getting up too early, finding the plans…

  • Gift from God

    Since taking the job with Cessna, I have been wondering. Did I take the easy way out? How can I be a “good Christian” when things are given to me so easily? I have also been thinking about my hobbies, and my choices for spring break this year. Can snowboarding really be apart of God’s…

  • Laughter

    My favorite past time is laughing with friends. I did a lot of that today. Today was a good day.