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Our Updates
It’s hard to believe I’ve been here for four months already. The time has gone by quickly. As I struggle through all the normal bits of a cultural transition; loneliness, grief and loss, constant change, and on, I am continually sure of one fact: “For the Lord your God will be with you wherever you…
3/24/17 – Finals
My first five weeks of language school are completed. I had my first assessment on Friday, I passed, and now I begin level 2. Here we are having a bit of review before the big final. I am still surprised at how much I’ve learned in a short amount of time. Still have a long…
3/19/17 – Euphorbia milii
I bought this from school when they were making more room in the parking lot. It’s the ideal house plant for me, as sources say it, “thrives on neglect.” It had no flowers when I brought it home, but it is thriving now on my porch. Colloquially known as “Christ Thorn” plant, I like the…
3/18/17 – Barista
Yesterday I went to an American coffee shop. Today I went to a Cambodian. This lady was turning out drinks as fast as any espresso wizard back home. I’m very thankful that a love of coffee is something both of our cultures shares.
3/17/17 – Green
I didn’t even realize the holiday until my Khmer teachers asked me if I was celebrating the American St. Patrick’s day. So to celebrate I got and American green tea.
3/16/17 – Phsa Toammeda
Literally translated as the “usual market”, each neighborhood in the city has one of these. The sell everything from soap, to moto parts, to fresh meat, all for a “special price for you.”
3/14/17 – Weird
I could do a series of photos just on the odd make-shift vehicles I’ve seen around town. Here’s just a small sample.
3/13/17 – Fish
Dried fish can be found everywhere. Even hanging outside the window of the Italian restaurant as you enjoy your pizza. (no mayo)
3/12/17 – Bicycles
The temperature is rising, language is getting harder, and life gets busier. I’ve been finding photo taking to be harder. Here’s some fun shots I’ve found around the city.