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YWAM is awesome!
It’s hard to believe I’ve only been here for a little over a week. I’ve never been more sure that I’m in exactly the place I’m supposed to be. This last week, classes have covered general housekeeping details and have opened up dialog about personal devotionals, what worship is, prayer, and what it means to live in such an open community. In the weeks to come we will have speakers on various topics including: seeking God in creation, nature and the character of God, the Father hear of God, role of the Holy spirit, and culture and evangelism. This week, I had the chance to give my testimony. I can still remember the day when doing this would really stress me out, but it went really well. I wasn’t all that nervous and I think I expressed my story well. I can tell that God has really been working on me in these last few years and that I’m really becoming more comfortable with who I am. Anyway, I’m really excited to see what God has planned for me next.
Friday afternoon all the students from the Oxford base went into Christchurch. Even though it was rainy most of the day, we broke into teams and did a photo scavenger hunt. My team was a little more focused on shopping than scavenging (to the chagrin of the two guys on our team), but we had fun anyway. I don’t currently have any of our team photo’s, but here’s some of the pictures I took while in Christchurch.
I also have a few prayer requests. This week I put my name down as interested in worship band. I’ve been dabbling with the guitar for the last year or so, but I’m not confident that I know enough to play with other people in front of an audience. I’m not committed or anything, but I’d really like to play (if I’m good enough) and not make a fool of my self (if I’m not). There will be an informal meeting on Monday, so just pray that that would go well.
My other prayer request is an ongoing prayer for where God will take me after these six months. I have a couple of ideas, but I really want to put aside what I want and be open to where God is leading me.
As my closing thought for this post, I want everyone who’s reading this to prayerfully consider doing a DTS with YWAM. It will change your life. And don’t be thrown by the “youth”. Our base is currently also running a Cross Roads DTS for people 30 or older. It’s really been fun mingling with people on fire for God of so many ages.