Happy Khmer New Year

Sdam and I have exciting news to share. After over 2 years of filling out paperwork, collecting documents, and a lot of waiting, Sdam now has a immigrant visa to the USA!!!

We have been planning for this day for a while and now we actually have plane tickets bought and a date on the calendar. May 18th. We plan to be in the US for an extended time of home assignment. We will be based at my parents house in Nebraska, but we are planning a road trip later this summer to meet family, visit supports, and to show Sdam America. We are currently planning to be in Colorado Springs for a few week in June. More details to come, but if you would like to meet up with us or host us on our road trip, send me an email, we would love to meet up.

Anna Update:

At the beginning of April, EMI Cambodia celebrated our 5 year anniversary. I can’t believe how quickly the time has gone. To mark the occasion, we had an Open House event in our new office. We invited lots of past ministry partners, staff, and friends. John Dallmann, EMI CEO, and his wife flew to Cambodia to join us. It was a good time of celebrating and remember all that God has done for our office in the last 5 years. We grew from our little launch team to now close to 30 staff, over half of which are Khmer. Check out the testimony video below to hear more about how EMI Cambodia has impacted our staff over the years.

Sdam Update:

Full Circle: a story from Sdam

Over ten years ago, Iris Phnom Penh was working in the river-side area, as they still do today. One night, a co-worker of Sdam’s, Steve, met a young man who was homeless and living on the street. Steve started talking to him  and wanted to help him. He brought him to the church where Steven and Sdam were attending at that time. Steve asked Sdam to help translate as they shared the gospel with the young man, and he accepted Jesus. Sdam shared some of his cloths with him and eventually the young man expressed a desire to return to the province to live with his family again and Iris helped him get there. After that time, Steve and Sdam lost track of that man. 

At the beginning of April, Iris Phnom Penh planned their annual outreach event. Every year they travel to the home village of of the Iris Khmer staff. This year, they were extra blessed to be joined by a visiting team from a church in California. The team of 17 people, plus all of the Iris Phnom Penh staff boarded a big bus on Friday and headed out to a village a few hours outside of Phnom Penh. As they got close to the village, the roads got smaller and it was harder for the bus to drive along the road. Then, when they were still 30 minutes from the village, they encountered a well drilling machine in the middle of the road. The machine could not stop in the middle of the drilling, so they would either have to wait 3 hours, or walk. The team elected to walk the remaining distance. Outreach in the village was very fruitful, and there are many testimonies and even healings that the team saw while there were there. Later, that evening, Sdam and Steve and a few others got on motos to go back to the where they had left the bus. Now that the drilling was finished they could bring the bus the rest of the way. As they got off the motos, and started to get the bus ready, Sdam and Steve heard a man calling out their names. They turned and saw it was the same young man that they had helped over 10 years ago. The man remembered them, and came up to them, gave them hugs, and asked if they remembered him. It was amazing that they would have met this man out of no-where. After the hugs, the first thing the man asked, was if Steve and Sdam could come back to his house to share the gospel with his mother and family. They said of course, and made plans to return the next day. In the mean-time, the man was so excited to see them again, that he returned with them to the village where Iris was staying and met the rest of the team. 

On Saturday, they returned to the young mans house to share the gospel with his family. They prayed with the young man’s mom. She had an issue with her stomach that was causing it to swell. They asked if they could pray over her, and ask for healing. As they were praying, she began to weep. When they finished, they could see that the swelling had gone down, and she said the pain was gone. They shared that it was the power of Jesus that healed her, and she accepted Jesus that day, with her son there. We praise God for testimonies like this. Nothing is impossible when we say “yes” to Jesus.